Homo Novus


The Futurology of Cooperation

Anna Czapski, Diederik Peeters (Belgium)
14 - 18 Summer house in Jurmala, Vaivari | Free Event

The Art of Futuring is born from a desire to sharpen our appetite for alternate possibilities and our competence to imagine them. The participants of the futurology training camp will equip their imagination with concrete tools and invent new ones, so that they can share them with others. The artists want to learn how to train the muscle of speculative imagination, and to rediscover the plasticity of reality. Through a pre-enactment or an experimental situation set up in real life, futurologists will learn how to imagine new societies.

“Participants don’t take on the role of a character, but simply place themselves in this un-familiar (and sometimes uncomfortable) scenario and observe what happens. A pre-enactment is an up-close-and-personal, embodied form of futuring. It reveals behaviours, intuitions, emotions and collective patterns that are likely to be overlooked in purely cerebral or theoretical methods. These pre-enactments interest us as they blur the line between performance and real life, and between dream and reality. They interest us as prototyping experiences, and as preparatory acts for transformation.”


Anna Czapski is a poet, an artist, a thinker, a walker, a collaborator and a bit of a magician. She invents new hiking paths in the cities to encounter the living activities and imaginations of their inhabitants with her project La Meteorite, she is training herself in Futurology, she collaborates with SPIN in Co-Disco, a co-learning practice.

Despite a degree in visual arts, it’s above all in the stables of the stage arts that Diederik Peeters got lost. He has been reported to pop up in the work of colleague-artists, cunningly disguised as actor, performer or even advisor. Peeters has created several shows and performances, such as Chuck Norris doesn’t sleep, he waits, Red Herring or Apparitions… Peeters has a pathological preference for confusion. In his work the notion of a solid and unchanging reality is stubbornly sabotaged.


Participants: Anna Czapski & Diederik Peeters with Hans Bryssinck, Adva Zakai, Heike Langsdorf, OSP (Sarah Magnan, Pierre Huyghebaert), Mathilde Maillard, Rasa Alksnyte, Emmanuelle Wattier, Martin Boutry, Anna Rispoli, Marine Thévenet – with the precious help and motivation of Maja Kuzmanovic, Vincent Lebour – and special thanks to all the students at KASK, P.A.R.T.S. and ESA Saint-Luc Bruxelles

Anna Czapski & Diederik Peeters are affiliated as artistic researchers to KASK & Conservatorium, the School of Arts of HOGENT and Howest. The research project is financed by the HOGENT Arts Research Fund with the support of Région Hauts de France & Vlaamse Gemeenschap via SPIN & l’Amicale.

14 - 18


Summer house in Jurmala, Vaivari

Futurology training camp with no audience (in English)

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